Work From No Home

martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

Binary Options Bot

Binary Options Bot

Finally someone has managed to develop a bot for binary options. It’s an indicator called Option Bot, and if you have been one of those people that sees the potential in binary options, but didn’t know how to get started… then this is for you. You just have to turn the software on, let it run in the background, and then it will tell you to make a trade.

You make that trade, and you make money. It’s as simple as that, and most people are reporting between an 85% and 92% success rate, meaning less than 20% of their trades lose.
This is music to my ears, and I’m sure it is to many other peoples too. But how can this all be possible?

Well, Option Bot has it’s own live data feed from financial markets. I don’t know where they get it from, whether they pay a company or whether they extract the data themselves, but one thing is for certain, it’s so accurate and clearly a few milliseconds faster than the feeds that some binary options platforms use.

So what does this mean? Well it means that you know before anyone else what is happening in the currency market, and if you watch their very simple to follow demo video on their homepage, you’ll realise that you too can start making trades as profitable as $1622 in 45 minutes.

This software deserves an award of some kind…. It really does
More Information here

Option Bot Scam

Option Bot Scam

It’s not very often that a product from a small company can make such an impact, but that’s exactly what a small UK based agency had done by developing Option Bot. If you’ve ever looked at making money from your computer and failed, then Option Bot is the answer. If you’ve ever looked at making money from forex, then Option Bot is the answer, if you’ve ever wanted to be rich…. Then Option Bot is the answer, and don’t for one second think that I’m exaggerating because I’m really not.

You see, I’ve recently come across this software works along side binary options trading platforms. If you don’t know what binary options are, they are a simple for of all or nothing trading, where you just decide if an asset is going to go up or down for a fixed return profit.

The only problem with trading binary options is if you don’t know the markets and how currencies perform throughout the day, then in can involve a lot of guess work, but thanks to option bot, not any more. You see option bot uses the worlds most accurate live financial data feed to analyse 2 customisable parameters that the user sets on the software. When both of the parameters occur the software will notify you, so that you know where the next most likely successful trade is to occur.

I’ve tested Option Bot using 5 different platforms at the same time, and I was able to over $9k in just 2 days and achieved an 83% success rate, which on binary options is pretty much unheard of.
You can download a free 7 day trial from their site today, I assure you this won’t disappoint.


How to Trade Binary Options

How to Trade Binary Options

Binary Options trading is quite a simple concept, you choose if an asset is going to go up or down within a set amount of time, and if you’re correct you get a fixed amount back in the region of 180%.

What’s not to love about that? Well I’ll tell what isn’t to be loved about that, and that’s the fact that it’s pretty much guess work, meaning that you can’t really make informed trades.

But fortunately, some brightspark computer geeks have come to our rescue, by creating a piece of software called Option Bot, the worlds most accurate binary options indicator.

Option Bot features one of the best live financial data feeds of it’s kind, some speculate that it might even be faster than the feeds that some platforms use, giving it a sort of precognitive advantage for the user.

However, the most important thing to focus on is that this is the first piece of software of it’s kind to be made available for public use, whereas people normally have software like this developed for personal use to win more trades.

So how does it work?

Well, you have 2 main parameters that you set on the software, tolerance (which is basically the same as PIPS) and time frame (between 1 minute and 1 hour) the default settings when you first launch the software are the same of that on the video on the site, that shows the software providing just 2 signals, which allowed the user to profit by $1622 in 45 minutes.

The software basically looks at the settings you’ve decided on, so lets say you set it to 30 PIPS in 15 Minutes, if it sees any upward or downward movement in 15 minutes of that size, it will tell you where and when this happened. This then allows the user to either select a call or put option, which in the case of the video advice on the site, they use a what goes up must come down ethos, so if it shows EUR/USD going UP they will place a trade going DOWN.
It really works, and it’s good to finally see some binary options software to give more traders the edge. Certainly worth checking out, especially as you can download and use the software for free for the first 7 days with no obligation.

Making Money with Binary Options

Making Money with Binary Options

If you’re serious about making money online, and you’re fed up of all the scams out there, then why not take a leave out of wall streets book, and start trading online.

Up until recently the glitzy world of trading stocks and currencies was for an elite group of people that either studied towards university degrees or somehow managed to get in with a company that could offer private in house training.

In short, being a stock brokers or traders simply wasn’t an easy get to do, but the rewards are plain to see. Fast cars, girls and boozy nights with celebrities seemed to be the accepted norm for such people, but this didn’t mean anything to joe public because you’ve got about as much chance of becoming a doctor as you do to become a millionaire trader.

But it’s not like that any more, with the internet growing and internet speeds getting faster and faster, its now possible to trade from home with pin point accuracy…… but how do we learn to do this?

The simple answer, is that you don’t have to, and this truth is echoed with the development of a piece of software called Option Bot, the world most accurate binary options indicator for currency pairs.

This software allows you to make consistent winning trades from home, trades that can make you profit as much as $1622 in just 45 minutes, trading currency pairs with Binary Options,and all you do is follow the instructions from the software.

Think this is too good to be true? Well it isn’t, this software can make anyone a superstar trader, which means that moments from now, you could trade up your humdrum car for a Ferrari in a months, if not weeks thanks to this amazing bit of software.

Option Bot is free for the first 7 days too, allowing you make more than enough money in the first week to purchase the lifetime use licence for just $97. So if you want a better life, and more importantly want more money…. There is no safter way to go that this way.

Binary Options Indicator

Binary Options Indicator

Until recently there was something missing on from the world of trading. For years we’ve been spoiled for choice with various Forex indicators that would give us the edge when trading, but since the binary boom, there’s been very little development on the software front to compliment this type of trading. I can gladly say now, that these days are over, since the launch of a piece of software called “Option Bot” the worlds most accurate indicator for currency pairs, which is exclusively designed to work with binary options platforms.

This is a cracking piece of software, the main feature is that it has the most advanced financial feed data feed of it’s kind which can cost around $540 a month if you were to purchase a single user licence for yourself. But somehow, they manage to deliver this feed in the software users to use for free for up to 7 days before having to purchase a licence which only costs $97.

The significance of this is quite substantial, because once of the biggest things that hinders independent traders that are starting out, is that feeds cost between $500 and $2000 a month from all the main sources, so unless you’re trading upwards of $3000 a month profit, its cost prohibitive to gain an edge whilst trading currency.

But enough about the techie stuff, the real gem of this software is amount of money you can make with it in such a short amount of time. In fact, the demo video of the software in action shows the creators of the software making $1622 in just 45 minutes, by trading across 5 platforms simultaneously thanks to the software interface and feed accuracy.

They use a method of waiting for a large peak or trough and then trading in the opposite direction to catch the currency on it’s normal daily up and down fluctuations that it does during the day.

Don’t worry if any of this sounds daunting, the software is incredibly easy to use, and anyone with half a brain cell can use this software to consistently make money day in day out. Well worth taking for a trial run at the very least.


Binary Options Robot

Binary Options Robot

Wow, there is some s**t on the internet, especially surrounding the boom in binary options.  It’s something that I keep seeing, and I keep walking away disappointed in it.

But there’s actually something new, something exciting happening.  I real business with real people that want to talk to you and help you now exists, and it’s available right now at OptionBot.

It’s called their 2.0 version of the software, and I whilst had never heard of the original version before, I can honestly say that the 2.0 version is one of the best things I’ve come across online.

It’s a clever piece of software that allows you to trade currency pairs with massively limited risk, and the overall profits you can build with this thing are amazing.

In fact, after just 2 short weeks I’ve netted over $2000, and I’m reading stories about people making that much in an hour!

I’m not at that level yet, but I can completely believe that this is achievable, but it’s a case of the bigger the bank balance you have when you start, the bigger the amount of money you get out.

That being said, even at entry level with a fairly limited starting budget, I’m making more with this software trading currency that I do in my day job.

It’s great to see something out there like this, I certainly don’t’ regret trying it, and I’m looking forward to the coming months.
Why not check it out yourself, you’ll kick yourself if you don’t.

Click here

Does the new Option Bot work?

Does the new Option Bot work?

So I got another email today telling me about the next big thing in binary options blah, blah blah,  and like an idiot I decided to check it out.

It was a familiar product, it was Option Bot 2.0 and I was already an Option Bot 1.0 customer, and to be honest, I didn’t really move forward financially with the first version.  I just sort of stayed at the same level, and every time I did have some success, it was quickly wiped out by losing trades.

I didn’t have a bad opinion of the software, I just didn’t really have an opinion at all.  But boy was I wrong!
The new version, is simply incredible, it’s faster, I had no issues installing it, as the last version was a real pig to get working correctly, but the service I got from them was completely different to last time.

I had a nice lady called Debbie call me up and make sure the software was working correctly, she explained how the software now works, and how it’s been improved, and I was even given a golden opportunity to sit in a webinar (which was a tad expensive) but this webinar was the making for me.

I was starting to really make money, and it wasn’t getting wiped out early on, it just kept building and now I have a genuine second income that I feel I can rely on.

Knowing that there are real people at the end of the phone that want you to succeed is really something you need to make the step from sceptic to home trader and whilst I wouldn’t quit my day job just quite yet, it certainly helps out a great deal having something extra to boost my weekly income.

What I would say to anyone that is thinking of trying it out, it have a look at the site, have a look at what they are doing for people, and get stuck in.  I did, and so far, fingers crossed it’s not a decision I regret in the least.

More information here

Option Bot 2.0 – Just another binary options scam?

Option Bot 2.0 – Just another binary options scam?

I don’t normally write about stuff like this, but I’m sick to my teeth about all this binary options programs that promise to make you a millionaire, people that don’t even put their name to the product and just use stupid names like “Mr X”and whatnot, it just drives me up the wall.

But a breath of fresh air came my way after I discovered the reviewed version of OptionBot, now in its 2.0 version which is finally available on mac! The first of many positive things that I can’t contain myself about.

Firstly, they don’t promise you the earth, they ask you treat binary options trading as an alternative to your bank, and they don’t mean to put all of your money in to is, but to look at your profits as interest on your capital investment, rather than “I’m gonna be rich in a year” and this outlook won my attention pretty quickly.

The software has recently undergone a transition, the creator Gary Davies has recently recruited an outsourced company called Option XE who specialise in binary options training courses to handle the professional trading aspect, and as such not only has the software had an overhaul, it’s also revisited the trading methodology and I simply cannot fault this piece of software in any way shape or form. 
 In fact, whilst it initially feels very similar to the original version at first, when you run a few trades with it and they keep hitting the nail on the head nearly every time, you realise that quite a lot has gone on in the background, and the results really do speak for themselves.

It’s not all happy times though, Option XE offer a 1 week training course on the software at a hefty cost of $2997 for 10 hours of intensive trade training spread over a week, but a decided I was going to just go for it….. and what a great decision that was.  Firstly, I was stunned to find out after I agreed to pay them that they actually used most of the money to fund binary options accounts in my name, and that money was now there for me to trade with.  I wasn’t expecting that at all, the webinar actually only cost $797 as they funded 5 accounts with $440 on my behalf and told me to just copy the trader on the webinar, and you’ll make back your money in no time.

They were right, during the webinars themselves I made $1766 in my first week, and I went on to build an average return of 4% of my trading capital per trade.  I did lose a few, but you have to expect that, however my overall position has increased my profits to over 100% in just 3 weeks, so I’m now trading with pure profit.
It’s a realistic take on something that I always knew had potential and I’m glad I bit the bullet.